
3000/ Monthly
  • 20 Property Submission
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5800/ Monthly
  • 50 Property Submission
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8500/ Monthly
  • 100 Property Submission
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Premium 20

16800/ Monthly
  • 200 Property Submission
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Premium 30

21600/ Monthly
  • 150 Property Submission
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Premium 40

26400/ Monthly
  • 200 Property Submission
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Premium 50

31200/ Monthly
  • 250 Property Submission
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Premium 60

36000/ Monthly
  • 300 Property Submission
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Premium 70

40800/ Monthly
  • 350 Property Submission
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Premium 80

45600/ Monthly
  • 400 Property Submission
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Premium 90

50400/ Monthly
  • 450 Property Submission
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Premium 100

55200/ Monthly
  • 500 Property Submission
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Premium 110

60000/ Monthly
  • 550 Property Submission
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Premium 120

64800/ Monthly
  • 600 Property Submission
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Premium 130

69600/ Monthly
  • 650 Property Submission
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Premium 140

74400/ Monthly
  • 700 Property Submission
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Premium 150

79200/ Monthly
  • 750 Property Submission
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Premium 160

84000/ Monthly
  • 800 Property Submission
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Premium 170

88800/ Monthly
  • 900 Property Submission
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Premium 180

93600/ Monthly
  • 900 Property Submission
  • Featured Property
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Premium 190

98400/ Monthly
  • 950 Property Submission
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Premium 200

103200/ Monthly
  • 1000 Property Submission
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Premium 210

10800/ Monthly
  • 1050 Property Submission
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Premium 220

112800/ Monthly
  • 1100 Property Submission
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Premium 230

117600/ Monthly
  • 1150 Property Submission
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Premium 240

122400/ Monthly
  • 1200 Property Submission
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Premium 250

127200/ Monthly
  • 1250 Property Submission
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Premium 260

132000/ Monthly
  • 1300 Property Submission
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Premium 270

136800/ Monthly
  • 1350 Property Submission
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Premium 280

141600/ Monthly
  • 1400 Property Submission
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Premium 290

146400/ Monthly
  • 1450 Property Submission
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Premium 300

151200/ Monthly
  • 1500 Property Submission
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Premium 310

156000/ Monthly
  • 1550 Property Submission
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Premium 320

160800/ Monthly
  • 1600 Property Submission
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Premium 330

165600/ Monthly
  • 1650 Property Submission
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Premium 340

170400/ Monthly
  • 1700 Property Submission
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Premium 350

175200/ Monthly
  • 1750 Property Submission
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Premium 360

180000/ Monthly
  • 1800 Property Submission
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Premium 370

184800/ Monthly
  • 1850 Property Submission
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Premium 380

189600/ Monthly
  • 1900 Property Submission
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Premium 390

194400/ Monthly
  • 1950 Property Submission
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Premium 400

199200/ Monthly
  • 2000 Property Submission
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Premium 410

204000/ Monthly
  • 2050 Property Submission
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Premium 420

208800/ Monthly
  • 2100 Property Submission
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Premium 430

213600/ Monthly
  • 2150 Property Submission
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Premium 440

218400/ Monthly
  • 2200 Property Submission
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Premium 450

223200/ Monthly
  • 2250 Property Submission
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Premium 460

228000/ Monthly
  • 2300 Property Submission
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Premium 470

232800/ Monthly
  • 2300 Property Submission
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Premium 480

237600/ Monthly
  • 2400 Property Submission
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Premium 490

242400/ Monthly
  • 2450 Property Submission
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Premium 500

247200/ Monthly
  • 2500 Property Submission
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Premium 550

271200/ Monthly
  • 2750 Property Submission
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Premium 600

295200/ Monthly
  • 3000 Property Submission
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  • 30 Top Property
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  • 10 Urgent Property
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Frequently Ask Questions

Fees for short lets can vary depending on the property and the agreement with the landlord. These fees may include cleaning charges, security deposits, and potentially additional administrative costs.

Short lets are typically for stays shorter than six months, often catering to travelers or temporary residents. Rentals, on the other hand, are generally for longer-term stays exceeding six months.

Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your membership plan at any time. Changes will be reflected in your account immediately.

We offer three membership packages: Standard, Gold, and Premium. Each package provides a set number of listings per month and additional features like priority placement and lead capture forms. You can find a detailed comparison of the packages on our pricing page.

To list properties on Saint Davies Properties, you need a paid membership. We offer Standard, Gold, and Premium packages with varying listing limits and features.

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